Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Where does it go!?
Almost 3 weeks or so since my last post!  Soo much happening in my soap world and well, now that the weather is GORGEOUS (!!!) I am outside a bit with gardening, lawn mowing and hiking in the evenings as well as sailing on weekends with Mr. Casco Bay Soap. (on Casco Bay aboard Sea Mist - recognize those names?)
I have something new...some private labels!  I make these private labels for some of my long time customers that are interested in having their name on a special fragrance soap, made just for them!  Customers love to take something home from Maine and have been asking for something with their favorite store name on it as well.  I was happy to create these labels with my talented label designer, Sally of Packaging Boutique.  She is amazing to work with!  Thanks Sally!
Created for The Wishful Moon in Freeport - their signature scent is Lavender Eucalyptus. 

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