Sunday, October 18, 2009

Whats Up With The Soap?

Okay, back to soap. I have been posting alot of other topics of late, and while I'm sure you are enjoying all, I will get back to talking about some of the current soaps and projects being stirred up in the kitchen and the studio.

As usual, I continue to make more of your favorites. Fresh batches of Sea Shore Scrub, Casco Bay Rum and Citrus Scrub are curing on the shelves. More Apple Cider and Pumpkin Spice have been whipped up as the cool weather and turning leaves put us in the mood for comfort soaps.

My beer soap was a big hit this summer and there have been more and more requests for it. I have popped open a couple of bottles of Gritty's Scottish Ale and will be stirring up more "Hop To It" beer soap as soon as possible.

New to me, and soon to you, will be Watermelon. A summery fragrance for sure, but I have alot of young customers (girls) that shop with their moms and this is sure to be a hit with them. I thought I would give it a try. While I would LOVE to create a ton of new fragrances for you, this time of year is tough. As I enter into the biggest shopping season of the year, I need to have all those old favorites you request time and time again in stock. I don't want to disappoint any of you.

I am working on all sorts of projects to get ready for big sales during the holidays that involve more than just making soap. I have been tying shopping bags with ribbons and Casco Bay Soap Co. informational postcards, shopping for new tablecloths, designing a new vinyl banner, designing new soap labels (!), considering selling bath teas and much more. AND getting ready for those 3 a week winter markets that start in November! Wooohooo!

Busy, busy, busy in the land of soap! Thanks for all your support!

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